Amplify our voice!

You Can make a difference!

Amplify Darci’s message in these last weeks before election with just one click! Help spread the word by sharing her videos instantly—together, we can make a bigger impact for New York State Assembly District 147. Let’s get things done! 

Volunteer At The Polls

We need volunteers during Early Voting and Election Day to wear a Darci For Assembly t-shirt, and to stand at least 100 feet away from a polling place and greet voters. People are more likely to vote for the last person whose name they saw before entering the polls, so help us get over the top!

Lots of opportunities and places to sign up, so please help! And feel free to sign up for more than one slot!

Click Here! 


Additional Ways You Can Contribute To Darci’s Campaign!

Let’s get things done!


Please help us amplify Darci's message in these areas! You can share daily until the election, check back to this page often as new items will be added and available for sharing. Your support can make all the difference! Your thoughts matter to Darci, share any issues you want to with her by clicking the button below!


Licensed Mental Health Practitioner for nearly 30 years and founder of Marriage and Family Therapy of WNY


Partnered with Senator Tim Kennedy to pass a law to improve access to mental health and substance use disorder care in New York


Secured $85,000 in grant funding for our community to Improve Mental Health Service Delivery for Children


Past-President and Legislative Chair of New York Association for Marriage and Family Therapy


Current Vice-Chair and Grants Committee Chair of The Children's Guild Foundation


Current Board Member and Fundraising Advisory Board Co-Chair for PeacePrints of WNY


Past Board Member of HomeSpace, Inc, Rural Outreach Center, Buffalo Chapter of National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, and the Lothlorien Therapeutic Riding Center


Former Girl Scout Cookie Mom


Mother of Sophie & Adam and wife of Jim Cornell

Darci with Cindy Appleton, Chair of the Wyoming County Democratic Committee


Would you like to host an event?

Help Darci with the upcoming election and contact us to host and event. Events are featured here when scheduled!

Host a Fundraiser? 

Help Darci get the word out and hold a fundraiser for Darci’s Campaign. 


Darci wants to meet as many people in the district as she can. She’ll be traveling throughout the district, hosted by various neighbors, and wants to talk with you about what matters to you.

Are you getting the services you need?

Is your family making ends meet?

What gets in the way?

How can Darci help when you send her to Albany?

Your donations make a difference

Our district needs a representative who can work with the supermajority in Albany to bring money to our community. Our farms, small businesses, and families deserve the attention and support that they need to thrive. Darci has worked for decades in our community to make things better for our families, and she intends to bring that energy to Albany. 


Connect with Darci